Few books have stayed in the news as much as Steve Biddulph’s million-copy seller Raising Boys. It has changed how we parent sons. Thousands of parents keep their boy at home a year longer before startingschool and tens of thousands have taught their sons to cook (sparking a worldwide pasta shortage!). And an incredible result – this generation of dads is spend three times as much time with their children. Steve has updated Raising Boys dramatically throughout its life, and this new edition is no exception. This book features helpful messages about the three stages of boyhood which help parents plan their lives to keep boys safe and loving life. Steve tackles how to find the very best school (it’s often NOT an expensive private school) and how to safeguard against internet pornography harming a boy’s spirit or his ability to relate to girls as people. Steve includes stories of mothers who learned to love boyishness – with all its energy and intense emotions. These encourage mums and dads who find boys a bit overwhelming. The message is don’t panic – boys are honest and simple. They just need you to have a sense of fun but also to be strong andclear. Learn to laugh – boys’ testosterone makes them worry when you are tense. Set clear rules and they will be calmer too. Everyone wants to raise their sons to be caring, warm and strong. Steve Biddulph really has led this worldwide change, and this new edition continues to do so.